Greater Brighton Economic Board


10.00am 1 February 2022


Virtual Meeting (Teams)




Present: Councillor Lamb (Chair) Allcock, Ash-Edwards, Nicholson, Mac Cafferty and Parkin


Business Partners:  Shona Campbell, David Maguire, Dean Orgill, Andrew Swayne







19          Procedural Business


19a     Declarations of substitutes


20.1      Shona Campbell was present as substitute for Prof. Humphris. 


20.2      Councillor Appich was present as substitute for Councillor Allcock.


19b     Declarations of interests


19.3    There were none. 


19c     Exclusion of the press and public


19.4    In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Board considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act.


19.5   Resolved- That the press and public not be excluded.




20          Minutes of the previous meeting


20.1      Resolved- That the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as the correct record.




21          Chair's Communications


21.1      The Chair provided the following Communications:


“Thank you to Adam Tickell, Vice-Chancellor of University of Sussex for his contribution to the Board.  Welcome to David Maguire, who will be representing the University of Sussex going forwards. Thank you also to James Dempster who has been representing Coastal West Sussex and is stepping down from his role at CWS next week.


Practical completion was achieved on both the office block and The Dance Space (the final 2 buildings to be completed) as well as onsite and the majority of offsite public realm works (including all public art elements) at . Circus St., Brighton  South East Dance took on the lease of The Dance Space on 16 December. 


I would like to issue an unreserved apology for my conduct at the previous meeting, especially in relation to Clare Mason of Coast to Capital”.




22          Blue/Green Governance and Investment Plan


22.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that sought approval for new governance arrangements are needed for a refreshed and revised Infrastructure Panel to develop a Blue/Green Investment Plan.


22.2      Andrew Swayne expressed his support for the proposal and highlighted that the Infrastructure Panel had been a key differentiator for the Region.


22.3      In response to a question from David Maguire, Geoff Raw stated that the proposals were resource dependent and any support the Universities could provide would be most welcome.


22.4      In response to a query from Dean Orgill, Geoff Raw stated that whilst Gatwick Airport had ceased to be a member of the Board due to the challenges of the pandemic, they could certainly be involved in the Panel in some way.


22.5      Councillor Mac Cafferty praised the report that was a key part of the Region’s story and requests to government as well as addressing the climate crisis. 


22.6      Resolved-


1)            That the Board agree new governance arrangements are needed for a refreshed and revised Infrastructure Panel, reporting into the Board, with an independently appointed Chair (see appendix 1 for draft Terms of Reference).


2)            That the Board agree to a selection process to nominate a local authority Member and a Business Partner to sit on the revised Infrastructure Panel. The University Business Partners will also nominate a representative to sit on the panel.


3)            That the Board agree to the establishment of a Scientific, Technical and Advisory Panel (STAP) led by the Universities of Sussex and Brighton to secure research funding and create a roadmap to net zero targets.


4)            That the Board agree to commission work to prepare a Blue/Green Investment Plan to shape our regional narrative, package up our environmental project pipeline and showcase opportunities for investment.


5)            That the Board agree to commit existing budget (£40,000) for the commission of the Investment Plan, along with potential seed funding from private sector Infrastructure Panel members, and BHCC funding already identified (£30,000).


6)            That the Board seek to secure an additional £180,000 from stakeholders so that the total funding for year 1 of the work amounts to £250,000.


7)            That the Board agree a progress report will be brought to the July 2022 Board meeting.




23          Hydrogen Sussex Update


23.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided an update on developing a city region hydrogen economy in the last year through the work of Hydrogen Sussex. The report also seeks the Board’s approval to a proposed Hydrogen Strategy.


23.2      Andrew Swayne endorsed the report recommendations that represented a USP for the Region.


23.3      Councillor Lamb supported the report that could be bring real improvement to the air quality and in turn the health of residents in Crawley.


23.4      Resolved-


1)           That the Board notes the work of Hydrogen Sussex over 2021-22, especially supporting funding bids, stimulating local authorities and commercial stakeholders to work together, and helping to develop skills training.  


2)           That the Board notes and supports the proposal to develop a hydrogen investment proposition and strategy for Greater Brighton and the wider Sussex region.


3)           That the Board provides funding of £25,000 for Hydrogen Sussex to develop a hydrogen investment case for the region, from existing Board core funding.




24          Levelling Up White Paper


24.1      The Board received a verbal update from Geoff Raw on the likely timescales, proposals and implications of the Government’s forthcoming Levelling Up White Paper.




25          Greater Brighton Investment Programme


25.1      Resolved- That the Board note the report and the Investment Programme Update at Appendix 1.





The meeting concluded at 10.50am